Compensation for Mesothelioma
At Lubar & Lanning, LLC, we are committed to helping individuals and families affected by mesothelioma. The effects of asbestos exposure can be devastating, and we strive to help people who have become sick as a result of someone else's negligence.
Our attorneys have represented thousands of people affected by asbestos exposure. The effects of asbestos exposure can be devastating. We have seen firsthand the pain a mesothelioma diagnosis can cause, and we are passionate about helping victims and their families. We represent:
Experienced Trial Lawyers Fighting For You Mesothelioma can take years, or even decades, to appear after asbestos exposure, which makes mesothelioma cases unique and complex. Many of the companies who manufactured and sold asbestos-containing products have gone out of business, merged with other companies, changed their names and now produce vastly different products. Some companies have relocated to other states or even other countries. To meet these challenges, you need experienced asbestos attorneys to handle your case. You need attorneys who know how to determine who was responsible for your exposure and hold them financially accountable. Because every case is unique, there are many factors that determine how much your case may be worth. Billions of dollars in trusts have been established to compensate victims of mesothelioma and, although not everyone who develops mesothelioma will qualify, those who do many be entitled to significant amounts of compensation. To learn more about compensation that may be available if you have been exposed to asbestos, contact Steven Lubar. He has represented mesothelioma victims since 2004, and he understands what it takes to prepare and win asbestos cases. Contact A Proven Mesothelioma Lawyer Serving Milwaukee And Southeastern Wisconsin In cases involving asbestos we only collect an attorney fee if we are successful in recovering compensation for you. There is no financial risk in contacting our firm to arrange a free initial consultation and learn more about your rights and options. Our attorneys serve injury victims throughout the state of Wisconsin. To learn more about how we can help you and your loved ones, please contact Steven Lubar to arrange a free, no-risk initial consultation. You may contact Steven online or call him at 414-228-0800. We only collect an attorney fee if we are successful in recovering compensation for you. There is no financial risk in contacting our firm to arrange a free initial consultation and learn more about your rights and options. Contact our Milwaukee law office online or by telephone at 414-228-0800 |
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